What is an Academic Rep?
Your uni experience is what you make it, but could you make it better for everyone? Becoming an Academic Rep gives you the opportunity to make a positive difference by representing your course mates.
As a rep you will work with your department to make positive changes on many different things ranging from supervision, teaching and assessment, to course administration, learning resources and personal career development.
We have over 600 fantastic students making sure that their academic community’s issues are heard, listened to, and acted upon.
Academic Reps
Interested in becoming a rep? You’ll be part of a team within your department and faculty, and you can always count on us to have your back!
If you love to chat to people about their experiences, bounce ideas around in a team, and get to the bottom of issues, then this is the perfect opportunity for you. Not to mention – it looks great on your CV too!
What are you waiting for? Find out more about how you can become an Academic Rep and make positive change.
Already a rep and looking for some help? Take a look at our resources and training.
Department Officers
Department Officers are the senior student representatives for the undergraduate and taught masters students in their academic department, responsible for improving your student experience.
Department Officers are selected from the Academic Rep team for each department, so please sign up to become an Academic Rep if you are interested in taking on this role.
PGR Officers
PGR Officers are the senior student representatives for our postgraduate research community, responsible for empowering PGR students to build and improve research culture at Exeter.
PGR Officers are recruited during the summer in advance of the next academic year. Check out our student staff opportunities for information on current vacancies.
University Staff
There are plenty of ways you can support Academic Reps. University staff are vital to closing the feedback loop with students. You can support the activities of Academic Reps through giving them opportunities to update students on their work, collect feedback and consult with staff. Find more information on how to support Academic Reps below:
Browse the academic representation staff handbook.
Explore the academic representation toolkit.