We are pleased to announce the results of the Department Officer By-Elections. Your newly elected officers will be joining the existing team of Officers who were elected in May. The full Department Officer team is as follows:
Arab and Islamic Studies Officers
- Ed Savage
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Archaeology and History Officers
- Elodie Magg
- Daphne Riffi-Aslett
Biosciences Officers
- Ieuan Davies
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Classics and Theology Officers
- Lucy James
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Clinical and Biomedical Sciences Officers
- Claudia Bredemeyer
- Toni Carver
Communications, Drama and Film Officers
- Ruby Bridges
- Lily Pusey
- Harriet Brock
- Ally Bradley
Computer Science Officers
- Can Orman
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Economics Officers
- Matty Lee
- Thando Mafa
- Arhant Khullar
- Anjali Kumari
Education and Teaching PGT Officers
- All Positions Vacant
Engineering Officers
- Mikhail Skudin
- Jayant Gaiwal
English and Liberal Arts Officers
- Mahnoor Imam
- Maia Beswarick
Finance and Accounting Officers
- Kaming (Alan) Au
- Aditya Agrawal
Geography Officers
- Sophia Bradshaw
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Health and Community Sciences Officers
- All Positions Vacant
INTO Officers
- Fanar Al-Derzi Al-Derzi
- Ashwin Thirupathi
Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies Officers
- Michael Wong
- Matt Button
Law Officers
- Edward Barradell
- Misturah Sonaike
- Taranne Kendon
Management Officers
- Pooja Vijay
- Aditi Sampathkumar
Mathematics and Statistics Officers
- Angel Lu
- Henry Binks
Medical Imaging and Nursing Officers
- Phoebe Hake
- Remaining Positions Vacant
Physics and Natural Sciences Officers
- Burhan Anis
- Tiga Davis
Psychology Officers
- Shambhavi Shivam
- Leah John
- Katie Potts
- Amelia Davis
Public Health and Sport Sciences Officers
- All Positions Vacant
Social and Political Sciences Officers
- Naomi Cryan
- Basya Batubara
- Rhys Wallis
- Mathias La Pira
Combined Honours Officers
- Paul Grimwade
- Remaining Positions Vacant
If you’re interested in filling one of the vacant roles listed above, please get in touch with us directly at voice@exeterguild.com