Going to university often comes with pressure and expectation. “It’s the best years of your life!” We’ve all heard it. It can be a daunting thing to live up to. Realising that moving to university is an opportunity to learn more about yourself as an individual and what you LOVE to do is the first step in finding ways to get the most out of your experience.
For a lot of us, it might be our first time away from home or family. But it also means that for the first time, you can take the time to figure out what makes you happy and what you really enjoy.
Settling in doesn’t come naturally to everybody, so don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t happen straight away. There are some easy adjustments that you can do to make your new environment feel like a home and a place you want to be.
#1 Decorate
- It sounds silly, but this can be the difference between a room and a safe, happy space. It doesn’t have to be expensive either, just simply bringing home comforts, maybe a blanket or your favourite bedsheets.
- Some cosy fairy lights, LEDs, or candles can make a big difference, and these can be found for just a few pounds.
- Photos of friends, family and pets can be super important to feel comforted. You can print these in town, or even simpler use a cheap photo printing app: you can upload them directly and they will deliver them to you.
- Finally, at Exeter there are regularly freebies in the Guild such as little plants or wall planners, and the university very often have poster and house plant sales with a huge array of choice. Little things like this can be such a simple way to prioritise yourself and can make the world of difference to settling in and loving your time.
#2 Nurture yourself and your health
- To feel your best, it is important to look after your body as well as your space.
- This can look like asking family members to share your favourite recipes, finding special treats that might satisfy your cravings after a long day of studying.
- Even finding a shop that you can walk to or looking into home delivery services for an even easier and convenient food shop. Everyone has at some point struggled with carrying big heavy bags from town to home, save yourself the hassle and look into online food orders (available at all supermarkets – sometimes with a high spend required but this can be a nice way to ask your housemates or peers if they want to do a joint shop!), giving yourself more time to spend on what actually matters to you.
#3 Explore the city
- No matter where you are there will always be new things to explore. This is such an exciting part of university life and moving away! By exploring your surroundings, you are building a stronger, more memorable connection with the place and your time here.
- In and around Exeter, there is so much to see. Take a stroll to the quay, check out one of the plethora of lovely coffee shops, or places to grab an affordable bite to eat. Hop on the train to Topsham, Exmouth, or Dawlish to get a breath of fresh sea air.
- We at the Guild think romanticising the little things is where you learn to really love a place. Try and be present! On the way to a lecture, try and notice the beauty of the campus that is right in front of you. Boasting the greenest campus in the UK, take note of the fantastic spaces, plants, wildlife, ponds and trails. Have a look at the sculptures dotted around, or even some of the incredible buildings like Reed Hall.
- Say hello to Napoleon, our campus cat, on your way. These things are all here to be enjoyed and if you take the time to appreciate them you can’t help but to grow to love them.
#4 Guild Trips
- We’re here to help you explore your new surroundings. We are always running trips, taking you from the university to wherever you might want to go!
- This can be a very easy way to meet new people too, getting involved in trips means meeting like-minded other students who are keen to explore and make the most of their time.
It is the people that you meet that can really make your experience at university. Yet, this can be one of the most daunting things to do, putting yourself out there and meeting people. We at the Guild are here to try and make this as easy as possible.
#5 Flatmates and housemates
- It is easy to rely on the people you might be living with or around to be the closest to you, but this is not always the case, nor the be all and end all. To build positive relationships with these people we suggest bringing some games, cards or easy little activities to suggest that everybody can get involved in together. Often in accommodation offices on campus there are games that can be borrowed/lent out. You’d be surprised how much a game of Uno can bond people!
#6 Societies
- Everybody tells you to join societies, and we know that it can be daunting to join something on your own. But it is true that there is really something for everyone.
- Of course there are sporting societies, and Exeter has some of the best teams and facilities for all your needs, but this is not the only way to get involved and meet people.
- There are societies from Taylor Swift, to Hide and Seek, student media like Razz Magazine and Expose, to Barbeque. Whatever your niche interests may be, somebody will share them.
- Some societies will have weekly meet-ups and events, some will have monthly or even termly, so whatever your commitment level there will always be a way to get involved. All societies will have a wellbeing committee member, so there is somebody you can go to talk to at any time.
University is never going to be perfect, simply because perfection does not exist! By introducing these little tips, we at the Guild believe that you will be able to find your place and happiness at university, learning to love your time with us and beyond.