
What to pack for uni

You’ve just got your place at Exeter (congratulations!!) but now it’s time to think about what you’ll need to bring with you! Don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered. Want a comprehensive list? The university has got a moving-in checklist for you!  

Firstly, it’s a good idea to make (or download) a list! You can check items off as you pack.  

Here are some essentials to consider:

  • bedding including a comfortable pillow, sheets and a duvet  
  • stationery  
  • cleaning supplies  
  • socket adaptor (for international students)  
  • laptop and charger – these can get expensive but there are refurbished options and financial support available.
  • extension lead
  • coat hangers
  • laundry basket or bag, detergent and fabric softener
  • medication
  • a list of important numbers, in case you lose your mobile phone
  • bathroom essentials including towels and a shower caddy to carry toiletries to shared bathrooms.

Things University of Exeter accommodations ask you not to bring/use:

  • Clothes airer/dryer (in bedrooms)
  • Portable heaters/fan heaters
  • Candles/incense – battery operated led candles are ok!
  • Electric blanket
  • Plug in decorative lights (battery operated ones are fine)
  • Any type of adhesive fixings e.g. coat, picture hooks or white/blutak. Noticeboards are provided in rooms for you to put up pictures/photos, so bring drawing pins.  

How are you getting to Exeter?

If you’re arriving by car, you might have lots of packing space. However, you may be travelling by plane, train or coach meaning you’re a bit more limited on how much you can bring with you. That’s ok! If space is a premium, focus on your essentials and you’ll be able to pick up everything else you need (like your kitchen things, bedding and things to make your room more homely) when you’re in Exeter.  

Have you booked an arrival slot?

If you’re arriving by car, you will need to book an arrival slot, giving you 30 minutes to unload your belongings. Find out more about this and how to book here  

Fancy a shopping trip?

We’ve got city tours and trips to local supermarkets and IKEA to help you find your way around Exeter and pick up anything else you need when you get to Exeter.  

Our top tips for when you first move in:

  • Make your bed as soon as you arrive! Don’t leave it until later because you will regret it.  
  • Keep your door open. This is the best way to introduce yourself to your new flatmates. And don’t worry, it’s totally normal to feel a bit nervous.  
  • Bring some snacks to keep you going whilst you unpack – you’ll need that energy boost
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Your Essential Checklist
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