
We are sorry that you are feeling as though you need to even look at this page.

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our members. Your feedback is vital to ensuring we can do this. We would like to encourage you to resolve any issues via informal routes if possible.

If you would like to speak to the relevant department before making a formal complaint please do not hesitate to contact us.

Before submitting a complaint, we would like you to think about the following questions:

  • Have you tried to resolve the complaint informally?
  • What would you like to complain about?
  • What would an effective resolution of your complaint be?

You can find the Complaints Policy here, as well as further policies like our Code of Conduct, Sexual Misconduct Policy, and Disciplinary Policy. To submit your complaint, please email

We ask you to be as explicit as possible about the reasons and incidents that have led to your complaint as well as answering the above questions.

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 7 days and we will give you an indicative timeline on how long it will take to investigate your complaint or further details we may require.

If your complaint is not about the Students’ Guild and about the University, please visit here.

Our members can also seek advice from Guild Student Advice.

If your complaint is about the conduct of Guild elections, please click here. This complaints procedure doesn’t cover these.