We do this by shaping an excellent student experience for all students at Exeter, by empowering you to take your place in the world and to make a positive difference. You are Exeter Students’ Guild. We have been on a bit of a journey over the past two years throughout the pandemic; from the commercial transfer of the outlets to the University and changes to Guild leadership, to democracy review and development of our policies including freedom of speech- it’s been busy! We are on the right track to rebuild the Guild with exciting, bold and innovative ideas on how to improve and develop over the next 3-5 years. We know we’re not there yet and still have a way to go, but we’re really excited about this journey that will (as always) have students at the heart of everything we do.
We are here to help all students
We provide a whole host of opportunities for you to get involved with like societies and volunteering, advice and support, and represent your student voice and help you make change. We pursue our purpose through:
We have three core values that everyone across your Guild shares. They define the way we work and are considered in every decision we make and the behaviours we champion and celebrate.
EmpoweringWe speak up, and provide a platform for students to raise their voices, we help those who need support, we create opportunities for personal development, and foster greater resilience and confidence in all our people.
Radically inclusiveWe celebrate diversity, champion anti-oppression and equality of opportunity, and create inclusive communities for all our students.
CollaborativeWe bring a positive attitude to partnership working in all our relationships- with students, the University and external partners.