Society Hardship Fund

The Students’ Guild and the Athletic Union supported by the generous assistance of Exeter alumni, is pleased to announce the launch of the Society and Club Hardship Fund.

It is a fund of £50 that can be spent on memberships to societies, sports clubs, stash and society/club events and activities.

The fund is eligible to any student who has been awarded one of the following University of Exeter bursaries - Access to Exeter Bursary, Care Leavers' and Estranged Students Bursary or PGCE Exeter Bursary, comes from a widening participation background or is unable to join/take part in societies due to a financial barrier.

This fund will support those for whom money is a barrier to fully engaging with societies and clubs in the Guild and AU.

How do I apply?

Applying for the funding is simple. All you need to do is fill in the form below.

You will be required to submit either evidence of receiving any of the listed University of Exeter bursaries, evidence of referral from the Widening Participation Coordinator from the Guild Advice Service or completion of a testimonial outlining why you need access to the fund.  

What's the catch?

Put simply, nothing! All we ask in return for the financial assistance is that successful applicants write a few brief sentences in June outlining how the funds made a difference to their Exeter experience. Please email these to

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