From 10 - 14 February, we celebrated Sexual Health and Guidance (S.H.A.G.) Week - an exciting and empowering week focused on sexual health awareness and support! From informative workshops and entertaining events, to a whole range of valuable resources and student-made content, we covered lots of things to help you informed, protected, and confident.
Although S.H.A.G. Week is over, the messages we're sharing are important all year round!

Support for you off campus
When you need additional support for your sexual health, you can find resources below.
Devon Sexual Health Clinic – Providing emergency contraception, STI testing, and many other services for your sexual health.
Revenge Porn Helpline - Help for anyone facing intimate image abuse
Exeter Speaks Out – here to for you to report any harassment or discrimination you’ve experienced or witnessed.
Videos and Blogs

Click on the links below to read our blogs:
How to stay safe on dating apps
Navigating intimacy after a long break
Busting myths about sex and sexual health
Don't believe everything you see on TikTok! - details where you can find correct information from trusted sources.
Support for you on campus
Find out where you can pick up free condoms and other items, get STI tests and general support.
Student Health Centre – here you can access free contraception, STI and general health checks
Healthy Relationships – guidance on how to form healthy relationships.
University Wellbeing and Sexual Health – information about consent and sexual health
University Wellbeing Services – Providing self-care tips and guides, and appointments when you need them.
Wellbeing Hub – providing resources on topics like stress, anxiety and body positivity
Free Wellbeing Products – our cupboards on Streatham and St Luke’s provide free condoms and other wellbeing products.