Student Advisory Board
The Student Advisory Board is our new way of bringing student voice to the centre of everything we do. Your representatives are positioned to influence and scrutinise our decisions to ensure your Students’ Guild is doing what you want it to be doing. Students lead on organisational decisions – shaped by their experience and knowledge, so that members are empowered to effectively champion change and shape the impact the Guild has on your student experience.
As a membership organisation where every Exeter student is automatically a member, we have the Student Advisory Board to ensure that we continue to involve students at every level of the work we do. It is another part of how we are led by students, for students. Student Advisory Board representatives were chosen through a sortition process - a randomised and representative selection process, which we have implemented to ensure the voices of all our members are recognised and included.
We are committed to ensuring equity amongst our membership. The collective voice of the Student Advisory Board ensures that we collaborate with our diverse student population, so that everyone is heard, empowering you to inform the decisions that are made.
October 27 2022 - Meeting Notes
November 21 2022 - Meeting Notes
January 6 2023 - Meeting Notes
March 28 2023 - Meeting Notes